Monday, July 10, 2006

sebastian > aka. mo, sebmo, monkey, bubble toes


first one out should be featured first, right? sebastian, our fearless leader. the first one out into the world of all three. seb has morphed into our "sensitive seb." he was the first to give hugs and a sloppy kiss; yet, also the first to take a toy, hold it up and ponder what it might sound like upside the head of his fellow siblings. his our voracious eater. canalope (almost any fruit really), dill havarti cheese, falafel, ham, name it and he puts it down. he has started a screeching trend among him and dylan and they are adamant to break our lead windows with high-decibel shreaks! he is a dancer, a mover, the one to yelp "DAT!" as he points to all around him in curiosity. he also has a darn good vibrato for a fourteen month old.

he is, quite simply > the MO MO MONKEY....

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